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English: Grammar

Сообщений 1 страница 3 из 3


Здесь мы займемся английской грамматикой. Полагаю, что есть желающие:)



Today we are going to start with the simplest thing, the simplest tense - Present Simple (Indefinite).
*We use tPS to talk about things in general. We use it to say that something happens all the time of repeteadly, or that something is true in general:
Nurses look after patients in hospital.
The Earth goes round the Sun. (general truth!)
How do we make sentences?
"+"  Subject + V1/V1+s(es).
"-"  Subject + do/does+not + V1 (s/es).
"?" Do/does + subject + V1 (s/es)?
*We use tPS to say how often we do things:
I get up at 7 o'clock every morning.
How often do you go to the dentist?
*I promise/I apologise (прошу прощения)/I aadvise/I insist (настаиваю)/ I agree/ I refuse (отказываюсь).
No Present Continious!
I promise I won't be late.



Use the following verbs to complete the sentenses. Sometimes you need the negative:
believe eat flow go grow make rise tell translate
1) The Sun ___ round the Sun.
2) Rise ____ in Britain.
3) The sun ___ in the east.
4) Bees ____ honey.
5) Vegetarians ___ meat.
6) An atheist ____ in God.
7) An interpreter (переводчик) ____ from one language to another.
8) Liars are people who ____ the truth.
9) The River Amazon ____ into the Atlantic Ocean.

Write the answers below my message.
Even if you know this topic, do not neglect (пренебрегайте) the practice!
Good luck! :idea:


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